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Nate Worcester

SolidOffers Team

Nate Worcester

Job Title/Position:

COO at SolidOffers (Real Estate & Home Selling Specialist)

Years of Experience:

12 years of Experience in Real Estate & Home Selling Industry

Formal Education:

BS Computer Science from UNT (University of North Texas)

Nate Worcester Co-Founder of SolidOffers
Nate Worcester Co-Founder of SolidOffers
Nate Worcester


Nate is a father, triathlete and entrepreneur. He’s been in the real estate space since buying his first rental property in 2010. A firm believer in the power of investors to transform communities, he co-founded SolidOffers to help more troubled homeowners get out from under their property problems by working with local investors.

Solid Offers

Blogs Written By Nate Worcester

handshake house sale Pros and Cons of a Short Sale
Nate Worcester

Pros and Cons of a Short Sale

When a homeowner is financially distressed and cannot pay their mortgage, their best option is to sell. A traditional listing

wad of cash seller financing versus lump-sum payment
Nate Worcester

Lump-Sum Sale vs. Seller Financing

Seller financing (or owner financing) is an option to consider if you’re a landlord with rental property. It means the

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